
무리뉴 "100골은 수비적인 팀에게 나쁘지 않다"

  • 폭스바겐세일
  • 조회 313
  • 2021.03.08 10:34

Tottenham boosted their top-four hopes with a 4-1 win over Crystal Palace; Jose Mourinho: "If the stats I was given are correct - 100 goals scored in the season, which for a very defensive team, a very negative team, is not bad"


Kane's second goal of the evening was Tottenham's 100th goal in all competitions this season, becoming the second club in Europe's big-five leagues to reach that tally in 2020-21, after Bayern Munich (106).










5대 빅리그에서 바이에른 뮌헨에 이어 두번째로 시즌 100골을 달성한 팀


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