
클롭 "손흥민 득점왕 경쟁 알지만, 위험을 감수할 순 없다"

  • Table
  • 조회 199
  • 2022.05.20 21:34

 I actually understand 100 per cent the goalscoring battle with Heung-min Son but we have no chance that we take any risks. But Mo doesn’t want to take any risks, there is no doubt about that. 

 My preferred solution would be that they all could play at the weekend for rhythm reasons, stuff like this, or at least could be on the bench and then we can bring them on or not, but they are involved. But if not, then we take it from there. I cannot say 100 per cent.

위험을 감수할 순 없다.

경기 감각 때문에 뛸 수도 있고, 벤치에 포함될 수도 있고, 이런저런 경우가 있지만 100% 라고 얘기할 순 없다고 하니

제발 손흥민 득점왕!!!!!!!

살라가 벤치에만 있고 아예 경기 안 뛴다면 손흥민 1골만 넣어서 공동 득점왕만 해도 좋으니


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