

가디언 속보) 산체스는 아스널에 남는다, 아스널은 르마를 영입할 시간이 부족해

  • 작성자: 피아제트Z
  • 비추천 0
  • 추천 0
  • 조회 613
  • 정보
  • 2017.09.01


Alexis Sanchez is staying at Arsenal. That is the message from the club and it would now be a shock if there were to be any late turns to this infernal saga (it takes a toll, you know!). Manchester City came in earlier today with a second offer for the Chile striker – of £55m, plus £5m in add-ons – but it has come down to Arsenal being able to sign a new attacking player. Quite simply, they look to have run out of time on that front. They wanted Monaco’s Thomas Lemar and the French club demanded that they pay 100m euros for him. Which Arsenal indicated they were willing to do. But there appears to be insufficient time for Arsenal to now agree a package with Lemar, particularly as he is in the France squad for this evening’s game against Holland – which kicks off in about three hours. Were Arsenal able to get Lemar, they would have been inclined to take the £60m from City for Sanchez. But it is unlikely to happen now.

아스널은 모나코에 92m 파운드 비드를 했다.(스카이스포츠 보도)

(제임스 더커에 따르면 이미 구단간 합의도 끝난 상황이다.)

르마를 아스널이 구하면 산체스를 팔겠지만

시간이 부족하다. 

르마는 프랑스 대표팀에 들어갔고

프랑스는 3시간 뒤에 네덜란드와 경기를 치룰 예정이다.

추천 0 비추천 0


페이스북으로 보내기 트위터로 보내기 구글플러스로 보내기



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