

콘테 "토트넘 시설과 같은 수준의 경기력을 가져오는 것은 매우 어려울 것"

  • 작성자: 아가리파이터
  • 비추천 0
  • 추천 0
  • 조회 322
  • 2021.11.05

How much potential has this team got?

For sure, this club has great potential. I was enthusiastic about the stadium, about the training ground, maybe in the world I don't know if another club has this. I think it was one of the reasons, because also I accepted them to come here. Because I know that here, I can work in the way that I like. And the club is a top club. And I want to repay the club about the trust that they showed me.

And for sure now in this moment, we have to focus on the pitch, on the football aspect, to try to bring at the same level is very difficult. I think the club with the stadium, with the training ground, is for me the best in the world maybe. I have never seen this type of situation. The players and I, we should work, we should work a lot, we want to improve the football aspect. I think the support, the fans also tonight, they showed that they deserve this.

귀한 곳에 누추한...

추천 0 비추천 0


페이스북으로 보내기 트위터로 보내기 구글플러스로 보내기



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