

2018년 연봉조정 합의들.TXT

  • 작성자: 곰시누
  • 비추천 0
  • 추천 0
  • 조회 464
  • 2018.01.13

  and Josh Donaldson avoid arbitration, settle at $23 million, per source.

keuchel, astros agree at $13.2M

Red Sox arb deals:

Pomeranz 8.5M
Bogaerts 7.05M
Bradley 6.1M
Kelly 3.825M
Rodriguez 2.375M
Holt 2.25M
Leon 1.95M
Vazquez 1.45M
Workman 835K

Source: #Yankees, Adam Warren settle at $3,315,000 million, avoiding arbitration.
워렌 3.315M

+추가)Yankees and Dellin Betances settle on a $5.1 million deal for 2018, avoiding arbitration.
베탄시스 5.1M

didi gregorius, yankees settle at $8.25M
디디 8.25M

sonny gray, yankees settle at $6.5M
그레이 6.5M

austin romine, yankees settle at $1.1M
로마인 1.1M

*힉스 2.825M 합의, 케인리 1.31M 합의

Source: , Josh Fields settle at $2,200,000, avoiding arbitration.


Robert Murray

Source: #Reds, Billy Hamilton settle at $4,600,000, avoiding arbitration.

Includes $25K for All-Star, $25K for Gold Glove, per source.

Robert Murray

Source: #Reds, Anthony DeSclafini settle at $860,000, avoiding arbitration. All-Star bonus of $75,000.

The Angels have reportedly settled with two more of their arbitration-eligible players, first baseman C.J. Cron and left-hander Tyler Skaggs , in advance of Friday's 10 a.m. PT deadline, according to USA Today's Bob Nightengale. The club has not confirmed the report.

Cron will earn $2.3 million in 2018, and Skaggs will get $1.875 million, per the report. Both players were in their first year of arbitration eligibility.

  Jon Heyman
charlie blackmon, rockies agree at $14M, avoiding arbitration

Manny Machado agreed to a one-year, $16 million deal with the Baltimore Orioles on Friday to avoid a salary arbitration hearing in February, a source told ESPN.

워싱턴 네셔널스

렌던은 17시즌 580만 달러에서 1230만 달러

로악은 17시즌 430만 달러에서 647만 5천 달러 

테일러는 17시즌 55만 7900달러에서 252만 5천 달러

추천 0 비추천 0


페이스북으로 보내기 트위터로 보내기 구글플러스로 보내기



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