

요리스 "지금 팀이 클럽 내부를 반영하고 있다고 본다"

  • 작성자: 슈퍼마켓
  • 비추천 0
  • 추천 0
  • 조회 243
  • 2021.03.19



“I think we are all more than just disappointed. It’s just a disgrace. I just hope everyone in the training room feels responsible of the situation, because it’s a disgrace.

“What more can I say about it? After Sunday’s match [the north London Derby vs. Arsenal]... the taste of defeat tonight is more than painful and we are all responsible for it.

“We are a club that is full of ambition but I just think the team at the moment is just a reflection of what’s going on in the club. We have a lack of basics, a lack of fundamentals, and our performances are in relation of that. Mentally we should be stronger, we should be more competitive. Today I didn’t feel that on the field.

“At this level when you’re not ready I’ve discovered you pay straight away. It doesn’t matter the opponent, there’s quality in Europe all over and if you don’t respect the opponent you can get punished and that’s what happened today.




“The way we play is just not enough. It’s one thing to come in front of the camera to say that I’m ambitious. It’s another thing to show it every day in training sessions, to show it every time on the pitch.You can’t let it down if you play or don’t play. To behave as a team is the most difficult thing in football. Whatever the decision of the manager [is], you have to follow the way of the team. If you follow the team only when you’re in the starting 11, that causes a big problem for the team because in one moment you’re going to pay in your season. And today is the consequence of that.

“We had great moments in the past because we could trust the togetherness that was in the team. Today, I don’t know. I’m not sure about that.”


추천 0 비추천 0


페이스북으로 보내기 트위터로 보내기 구글플러스로 보내기



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