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[공홈]수비수 코시엘니, 아스널 '8월의 선수' 선정

  • 작성자: 월화수목금금금
  • 비추천 0
  • 추천 0
  • 조회 491
  • 오피셜
  • 2016.09.06

Player of the Month - Laurent Koscielny [공홈]수비수 코시엘니, 아스널 '8월의 선수' 선정

The France international was in outstanding form as he captained the side in the goalless draw at Leicester City and the 3-1 win at Watford.

Koscielny won 35.6 per cent of the votes cast, narrowly edging out his new defensive partner, Rob Holding, into second place.

Alexis - who scored once and claimed two assists - at Vicarage Road was in third.

Vitality - official wellness partner of Arsenal Football Club

August Player of the Month - Results

Player % of votes
Laurent Koscielny 35.6
Rob Holding 33
Alexis 18.4
Other  13

This season's winners

Month Winner
August Laurent Koscielny

Copyright 2016 The Arsenal Football Club plc. Permission to use quotations from this article is granted subject to appropriate credit being given to as the source

1위 35.6% 코시엘니

2위 33%     롭 홀딩

3위 18.4%  알렉시스 산체스

p.s 코시엘리가 복귀하고 레스터 무실점 왓포드 1실점으로 수비 안정된걸 많이 평가 해서 된듯

추천 0 비추천 0


페이스북으로 보내기 트위터로 보내기 구글플러스로 보내기



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