

알자지라 방송의 제주 예멘 난민신청자들 취재 유튜브 영상 다시 올립니다.

  • 작성자: heaven
  • 비추천 0
  • 추천 0
  • 조회 1258
  • 2018.07.07
내용과 어감에서 오해가 없도록 영문 자막 추출해서 올립니다.
A kitchen is the last place ednan imagined himself working.
"I didn't  choose this job but I mean I went to immigration and the owner of this place picked me and it turned out that it was a restaurant. so"
A qualified health and safety officer he worked for a petroleum company in Yemen but was forced to flee the war after he was threatened and  tortured by sympathizers of the Houthi rebels. Adnan fled to Malaysia on a tourist visa but soon ran out of money. In December AirAsia opened a new route to Jeju Island offering Adnan and other Yemenis the chance to enter South Korea through the islands visa-free status. The sudden influx of Yemenis has overwhelmed the local community and the government is acting to stem the flow.
In April South Korea's Justice Ministry banned  Yemenis on Jeju from travelling to other parts of the country and earlier this m onth excluded Yemen from the islands visa waiver program. The more than 480  Yemenis still here are now stuck until the government decides what to do with them.
The percentage of successful asylum seekers in South Korea is around just 4%.
"Okay but if you look at just 2017 it's just 1% so the number of applicants are rising but the rate of acceptance is dropping."
Many refugees now live in cramped conditions up to 20 men in this underground shelter. Charity and aid a largely grassroots.
"Islam adn Yocum there is a negative sentiment towards Islam in public opinion. So that's something that we need to consider in the long term."
More than half a million people have signed a petition urging the government to revise its refugee law. On Jeju the local government is helping some including Adnan to find jobs.
"Council of restaurants asked if we could hire some of them given our labor shortage. At first it didn't even occur to me if they were refugees or that there was a civil war raging in Yemen it was outside of my scope of interest."
The refugees we spoke to said they'd rather be at home in Yemen stuck on what they regard as an expensive holiday resort island.
"Because if we have peace in Yemen say that we going back to Yemen cuz you have to live in your country when you grow up when you have your squad when you have your friends will you have your family."
It is expected it will take up to eight months to process the refugee applications.
Craig listen al-jazeera

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