

스트레스의 놀라운 반전

  • 작성자: 소련
  • 비추천 0
  • 추천 2
  • 조회 1295
  • 2018.01.17

-----------참고논문 ----------

Kellar A 외 6명, “Does the perception that stress affects health matter? The association with health and mortality” Moore RC 외 7명, “Complex interplay between health and successful aging: role of perceived stress, resilience, and social support” Fatih Ozhay 외 5명, “Social Support and Resilience to Stress” Raphael J. Leo, Mark D. Seery, E. Alison Holman, Roxane Cohen Silver, “Lifetime exposure to adversity predicts functional impairment and healthcare utilization among individuals with chronic back pain” Mark D. Seery, E. Alison Holman, Roxane Cohen Silver, “Whatever Does Not Ki Us: Cumulative Lifetime Adversity, Vulnerability, and Resilience” Elizabeth D Kirby 외 6명, “Acute stress enhances adult rat hippocampal neurogenesis and activation of newborn neurons via secreted astrocytic FGF2” Cosi C. 외 5명, Repeated restraint stress increases BDNF plasma levels in rat: effects of milnacipran, pregabalin and duloxetine Aschbacher K 외 5명, “Good stress, bad stress and oxidative stress: insights from anticipatory cortisol reactivity.” Crum, Alia J., William R. Corbin, Kelly D. Brownell, and Peter Salovey. “Mind over Milkshakes: Mindsets, Not Just Nutrients, Determine Ghrelin Response.” Health Psychology 30, no. 4 (2011): 424–29 Petticrew, Mark P., and Kelley Lee. “The ‘Father of Stress’ Meets ‘Big Tobacco’: Hans Selye and the Tobacco Industry.” American Journal of Public Health 101, no. 3 (2011): 411–18.

추천 2 비추천 0


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