Sandboxie 무료화 및 오픈소스 공개 | 정보+썰빠

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Sandboxie 무료화 및 오픈소스 공개

  • 프랑스
  • 조회 952
  • 2019.09.11

메인 홈페이지에 나오는 내용입니다.


Sophos is excited to announce that we are making Sandboxie a free tool, with plans to transition it to an open source tool.

This new evolution of Sandboxie is one we are enthusiastic about, but that does not mean this was an easy decision to make. Sandboxie has never been a significant component of Sophos’ business, and we have been exploring options for its future for a while.

Frankly, the easiest and least costly decision for Sophos would have been to simply end of life Sandboxie. However, we love the technology too much to see it fade away. More importantly, we love the Sandboxie community too much to do that. The Sandboxie user base represents some of the most passionate, forward thinking, and knowledgeable members of the security community and we didn’t want to let you down.

After thoughtful consideration we decided that the best way to keep Sandboxie going was to give it back to its users – transitioning it to an open source tool. We will release more information about the open source project as we continue to work on the details.

Until the open source transition is completed we have decided to make all restricted features of Sandboxie completely free.


소포스에게 있어 Sandboxie 를 중단하는 게 가장 경제적이지만

이 기술이 굉장히 매력적고 Sandboxie 커뮤니티를 사랑하기 때문에

Sandboxie 를 지속시키고 유저들에게 이를 되돌려 주기 위해

Sandboxie 를 무료화 하고 오픈 소스로 전환하는 작업이 끝날 때 까지

이전에 유료로 사용했던 기능의 제한을 모두 해제

한다고 합니다.

추천 0 비추천 0


페이스북으로 보내기 트위터로 보내기 구글플러스로 보내기 카카오톡으로 보내기



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